Friday, July 27, 2007

Radiant Women

I got an email trying to sell me Cheryl Teig's new skin treatment so that I can be an Age Defying woman. That sent me down a trail that lead me to Oprah (Who else? Whenever women are concerned about something, Oprah is there. Isn't she?) then I was ultimately lead to a woman named Dayle Haddon who has written a guide to Ageless living.

It is worth checking the website out because she seems to be making a lot of sense. She believes in the following principles for Ageless living:

Celebrate Who You Are. I can get behind this because the days that I hate myself for not being 25 anymore are days spent pointlessly. As I've said before, I have come to realize that no matter how bad I feel about my age, it doesn't make me any younger. And who are "They" to say that I can't do what I want just because of the year I was born? Most of them couldn't even begin to guess that year in the first place.

Nurture Your Spirit. I've been doing a lot more of that this year, and it really relieves a lot of stress. I don't have to be upset because my man goes off and does things he enjoys, because I have given myself permission to do the things I enjoy too. AND, I don't have to be mad at him for not enjoying all the same things I do because MY things are for ME. I can look forward to them and feel good about them.
Discover Your Wisdom. There is a lot of knowledge we ladies past our 20's have over those young girls. My favorite quote comes from Steven Tyler of Aerosmith explaining why he and his band have it all over the younger guys in music: "They screw. We fuck." And I really think that sums it up, metaphorically, not just sexually.
Practice Healthy Living. This summer I got crazy and ditched the four cans of Dr. Pepper a day that kept me alive. I started eating food meant to fuel my body in a healthy way: almonds, spinach, berries, meat, etc. And now my body positively thrums every morning when I wake up. I excerise, lift weights, go for walks whenever I can. I can't tell you how much it shows in my attitude, my mindset and my emotions, but if you ask my family, they can.
Create Balance In Your Life. This one sort of speaks for itself I guess. You don't want to be obsessed. That will drive you and everyone else you know crazy. Have fun. Work hard. Care about others as much as yourself. Makes a lot of sense to me.
I will probably end up buying this book some day. After I get done "dressing myself from the inside out." retooling my appearance is expensive.

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