Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I Love My Contacts (lenses that is)

Got new contacts the other day. I have worn lenses in the past but have always ended up decided that I cannot stand the nagging "hair in my eye" feeling. I get cranky. I put them away and I never wear them again after about two days.

I just got some silicone hydrogel ones (Accuvue Oasys, I think). From the moment I put them on in the Dr's office, I can barely tell they are there. the Dr. was surprised because he said I should have felt something since I haven't worn any contacts in about 6 years. They are amazing. They sort of freak me out by how good they feel.

But the best part is . . .

I don't look like someone's grandmother anymore in pictures!!!!! I have to look at least 5 years younger than I did before. And when I'm out in the stores, I get lots of help from male employees. Not that I am looking for attention, mind you. (One night out with the PG's I discovered that there is only one guy I want attention from.) It is just an indication that someone besides myself notices these things. It tells me that my remodeling efforts are working.

I told my Honey that I thought I look Great!! in the new contacts. He laughed and said, "So that means you look like you always do when you take your glasses off."

"But I'm in focus!" I replied with glee.

"I'll let you in on a little secret," he said with a smile. "You've always been in focus to everybody else."

Well, Duh!!! But I'm gonna take it as a compliment anyway.

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