Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mario T's vs. Coldwater Creek vs. ???

I'm having a contest.

Any Day Spa that would like to be reviewed and entered in my contest can contact me online and schedule to make me beautiful.

So far this year, I have been to Mario Tricoci's and Coldwater Creek's spas.

I loved Coldwater Creek's amenities. I was blown away by the spa waiting room and the soft voluminous robes they give out to their customers. They washed my feet for free before my service! (It seems freaky, but if I were rich and could afford to be eccentric, I would do that fro all my guests when they arrive at my house. There is something to be said for that biblical custom.) They have a staff member in charge of the waiting room. That person gives out ward neck pillows, water, snacks, customers are never left waiting or wanting and their presence is not imposing either.

I only had a hot river stone treatment on that visit, but I felt like a queen.

The treatment itself didn't go so well. I got the feeling that the therapist was not very familiar or comfortable with the treatment. It was not as satisfying or relaxing as I thought it should have been, but I have been lusting after one of those Coldwater Creek robes for a very long time.

I loved my massage and facial at Tricoci's.

I found the amenities to be lacking. There was one maybe two tiny tables in the spa waiting room not big enough to set anything on. not even a glass of water or the little cups of banana chips or sesame thingies that were set out for snacks. There was no one in charge of guests in the waiting room, just one mousy young lady who collected water glasses left behind by patrons. I was sent to a small changing room and given a locker which contained a wrap and a robe, both of which were sorely in need of fabric softener. (For the price, you can splurge a bit.) Patrons who only came for one service were not given a chance to change into the wrap and robe. They just went to their service and must have been expected to strip and hop on the table.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Or if you think your private spa totally blows away the big name spas, let me see. I'd be glad to write about you.

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