Monday, November 26, 2007

Shoulders Must Not Be in This Season

I really need a coat. (As in I got rid of all my not me, boring, broken, winter coats last spring, and now it is November, and I'm freezing my bippy.)

No problem, I thought. I'll just go out and buy a coat. One of those nifty navy pea coat inspired things. That should be nice. It is casual for my less dressy moments (that would be almost all of my moments) and it could be dressed up for my more formal moments (that are few and far between but occasional). I can't afford different coats for different occasions.

Imagine my surprise when I put on the coat that is sized for my body, and I almost couldn't lift my arms. When I sized up to fit my shoulders the sleeves dangled past my finger tips. I might as well start wearing my Honey's coats. He's 6'4. I'm 5'4. When I wear his clothes I look like a four year old in her Daddy's jacket.

I'm just not wild about paying somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 or more (on sale) for a jacket that doesn't fit. Also, has anybody noticed that these expensive wool coats are made from fabric just slightly thicker than fleece. What's that all about?

Maybe I will go to the boys or young men's department to see what I can find. I think these kind of coats are popular over there too. If I can get it in the boys department, it might even be cheaper.

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