Friday, December 7, 2007

Virtual Model

I spent most of Yesterday playing with My Virtual Model as you can see over there on the right. While she doesn't look exactly like me, she comes close at least body-wise, and I did enjoy putting together outfits from the rather limited selection.

So far H&M, Sears, Lands End, and Couture Candy have put items online for viewing.

I did have some issues with selecting an outfit, then having the computer substitute this frumpy pair of pants for whatever I had chosen. I also couldn't get it to let me leave a blouse un-tucked if that was my desire.

Otherwise it was a pretty fun toy. It will be neater as more suppliers give them clothes to work with.

It kind of inspired me to think about cruising my real closet and putting together some outfits there myself. (A task/adventure that I have been putting off for way too long.)

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